Start living your life following your intuition.
Is making a decision one of the hardest things for you to do? Do you question whether you are making choices that align with your soul?
Have you ever been in a situation where you were unsure of what to do? Was it maybe something that was really important to you, but you were unsure what action to take.
Or you had an awareness of a situation, but taking action would potentially be uncomfortable for you, hence you were unsure if that course of action is the right one to take.
A lot of people would, at least occasionally, want to have some sort of guidance in life where they could get an answer on what to do, and how to resolve a certain situation.
This group of people can be narrowed down to people who don’t just want an answer - they want an answer that is the most aligned with their true self, no matter how uncomfortable the action will make them feel.
If something is aligned with our true self, that action cannot be bad for us, but can only set us up for growth and expansion.
How do we make decisions if we don’t listen to our intuition?
We are like a leaf in the wind - our life is either being defined with decisions of other people in our lives, or we make reactive decisions that stem from our current emotional state.
Reactive decisions are never aligned with who we are and, in most cases, result in more pain, hardly ever relief. We can never find peace if we keep abandoning ourselves and act against our best interest.
Muscle Testing will teach you how to respond.
Learn how to respond , and stop reacting.
Muscle Testing is a tool that helps you get "yes" and "no" answers from your body about the past or the present. It is great to learn about what foods work well for your body, what may be something to add or take away from your existing lifestyle to enhance your wellbeing and more.
It is a tool that should match with your intuition when you get an answer. It is a tool that is dependent on the specifics of the quest that you ask. Getting to know all the ways that Muscle Testing can be influenced or affected can also help people avoid making mistakes with their Muscle Testing.
If you are someone who would like to live in more alignment with your intuition and get answers from it, you will benefit from learning to do Muscle Testing in more ways than you can imagine.
With the knowledge of Muscle Testing you will always have guidance in life, and you will never need to feel lost.
This session is 60 min long, and in those 60 min we will go over:
Muscle Testing is like a gateway to your intuition. It should always match with what "seems right" or "feels right". It is a way to get in communion with your body and start working with it by giving it a voice.
You can also give things like your business a voice or other aspects of your life a voice. It is a great tool when you want insights into things in the past or the present.
Disclaimer of Liability and Affiliations
Heather Drummond is not a Naturopathic Doctor, Medical Doctor, Certified Counsellor or other medical professional. Her assessments and the content of this website are not a replacements for medical advice. Nothing stated in her assessments, courses or on this website should be taken as a reason to avoid appropriate medical or psychological treatment. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Heather is not curing or diagnosing conditions during her assessments or courses and by participating in any service you are doing so of your free will with the understanding that results varying with each person. At all times, the client is responsible for their outcomes and should follow their own intuition and free will. The content on this website is strictly the opinion of Heather Drummond and is for informational and educational purposes only. Heather Drummond does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. *****As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases*****