Reducing the Stress in Your Life

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Welcome to Healing Vitality

Where awareness leads to well being.

What could be holding you back from improving your health?

Are you like 50% of people who struggle to get results health wise?

You have landed here for a reason.

Trust your gut instincts. Your intuition is never wrong.

See if you answer yes to any of these questions? 

If so, it's time to try something different.


  • Are you more tired than you should be or having a hard time concentrating?
  • Have you been told you are too sensitive your entire life?
  • Are you looking for help reducing your stress?
  • Are you struggling with anxiety or another chronic health concern?
  • Have you hit your head or experienced a physical or emotional concussion?
  • Do you struggle feeling well or do you get sick regularly?
  • Do you go from one stress to the next? Are you everyone's everything and don't have anything left for yourself?


Do you have a horse, dog or cat that is struggling with their health or behavior issues?

Has your horse, dog or cat had an event happen in their lives and they haven't been the same since?

Are you trying to support a rescue horse, dog or cat and looking for assistance to work with you and your health care team ?

Want to learn more? Please check out this blog post.

Heather works over the phone. Results are the same as in person because everyone has a frequency and an energy signature unique to them like their finger print. Heather taps in to that signature as a surrogate for her client and gets to gather the information necessary to pull together the right treatment plan. She uses that same process for animals and people.

The Health Assessment is a process that creates a conversation about your vitality levels of your body systems and organs. During this process, we identify symptoms, behavior patterns and life style factors that contribute to your physical, emotional, mental and energetic well-being. We then create a personalized plan including food and supplement suggestions, energetic  tools, emotional supports and lifestyle techniques to optimize your well-being. More Info here


Heather enjoys keeping things simple. She uses her intuition and knowledge to work with her clients. 

Heather loves empowering people with knowledge and skills to help them support themselves. She has an innovative and unique way of seeing the world and how everything is connected. When she established her business in 2005 after working in the corporate world, she didn't want to compete with anyone in her industry. Heather wanted to be able to work with all aspects of a person's health team.  She is a true believer in the power of transformation. She learned from personal experience that self care is a non-negotiable for everyone. 

Growing up Heather always had an affinity for animals. Everything she does with her human clients, she enjoys doing for her animal clients. She has put together a unique tool box to support and optimize her clients physical, emotional and energetic well-being.  She loves working to support owners build better connections with their animals. She loves being able to collaborate with her clients because everyone's intuition and knowledge is important to the process. 

Supporting people and animals with tools to reduce their stress and optimize their health is what inspires Heather.  She feels blessed being able to do this for a living. 

She has training and certifications in Holistic Nutrition, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Orthomolecular Medicine, Various Energy Medicine techniques, Bach Flower Essences and "The School of Life". 

Thanks for coming on this journey with me 

Heather Ann Drummond


4 years ago, I was a chaotic mix of anxious rage. This feeling of rage lived in my belly for years. I internalized everything that happened in my life and that “ball of rage” sat in my belly gnawing away at my sanity. When I sat with Heather, I found out I had been spinning the wrong way for 18 years. She fixed my spin (for me it was 21 days) and my ball of rage vanished; literally. Today I know immediately when that feeling creeps into my belly and I find myself low on patience that I’m spinning the wrong way. Heather has literally changed my world! If you don’t know about Chronic Reversed Polarity, you need to see Heather. 

Heather, thank you for being you and for what you’ve done for me and my family.
Almost from the moment my daughter was born, she had little white pimples on her cheeks and arms and the skin on those areas was always flushed. Doctors gave us creams; told us to eliminate dairy and soy; told us to wait it out, that she would outgrow it. Then we found Heather and found the source of the skin irritation. My daughters skin was her “weak” area and she needed some supplements to boost it up. Today, the bumps on her cheeks and arms are gone. My daughter is now 8 and she gained SO much more than clear skin. She has a “toolbox” of skills to help cope with life’s bumps. I wish I knew some of these tricks when I was growing up!
A few years ago, I had overwhelming anxiety and I was struggling to manage it. In desperation, I went to my doctor and got a prescription for an anti-depressant drug. I was so hesitant to take the new medication since there can be so many unwanted side effects. As a last resort, I decided to make an appointment with Heather for the first time. Only after a few appointments with her and with the help of some natural supplements, I was feeling better and I was well on my way to lowering the anxiety without any prescription drugs. Today, I feel great and it has been life changing for me. My anxiety is completely manageable and it’s thanks to the help from Heather. She is always so uplifting and always eager to help you feel better. I am always looking to improve my overall health so it’s a real treat to visit Heather for my “tune up” appointments. I would recommend Heather to anyone. She helped me immensely and she can help you too. Thanks for all your help Heather!
My daughter started speaking at a young age and as she got older she struggled with the beginning sounds of her words. As parents, it was heart breaking to hear her try and get her words out. It was frustrating for her as well. We went to speak pathologists and read books on stuttering and what we could do to help. Little did we know that we only had to go see Heather! My daughter was spinning the wrong way. She needed lecithin to fix her spin and after a few weeks of taking that supplement, her stuttering was gone. She’s 5 now and she tells me when she needs her lecithin. When she struggles the tiniest little bit with saying her words, we give her lecithin for a few days and her speak is perfect again. Chronic Reverse Polarity is real and so many of us struggle from it and have NO idea.
I highly recommend Heather and her non-judgmental approach to anyone who is experiencing any of life's challenges from an upset stomach to an inability to get out of bed in the morning. The one piece of advice I would give is this: If you aren't open to learning about yourself, perhaps you aren't quite ready yet Heather will be there when you are.
For the past 5 years, Heather Drummond at Healing Vitality has been a source of compassionate support for my entire family. Heather has employed a variety of modalities to successfully assist my daughter in easing stomach issues, my son in resolving sleep issues and myself in coping with and managing stress and anxiety. I appreciate Heather's sense of humor, flexibility, commitment to continuous learning and accepting attitude. Heather always encourages me to judge things for myself and decide what works best for me without pushing any agenda. It feels like Heather is rooting for me and cheering me on in my journey. I trust Heather to be honest and consider her a blessing in my life.
I had been suffering a general malaise for a long time, it seems like I can't really remember when things started, more like it's always been this way...low energy, skin issues, aches and pains, and a major depression...again. I have been on antidepressants a few times and felt a little better but the side effects make me wonder if they're worth it. The worst side effect for me is that feeling of being disconnected from myself; like I'm watching my life but not really participating. Not feeling much of anything, good or bad.

A friend had seen Heather for similar issues and suggested that I pay her a visit and see if she could help me. At my first visit she discovered that my "spin" was off, and had been for a very long time. I was relieved to hear this as I had been telling myself, "you're not trying hard enough, stop being lazy, just do something, it's all in your head!" We discussed some natural supplements and which foods might be contributing to my health issues. Heather also gave me some mental exercises to practice.

My first visit was at the end of April 2016 and by my second visit a month later, I was already feeling much better. In the visits following, not that many, we've adjusted some of the supplements, I've made some changes to my diet and now have energy and am walking again. My mental health is so much better; this sure makes my life easier and vastly more pleasant.

Heather's nonjudgmental and supportive personality is the perfect compliment to her Naturopathic field!
Our family met Heather more than 2 years ago, unbeknownst to us, it would be the introduction that completely altered our lives. Heather’s techniques, tools and treatment gave us the ability to change and grow through the challenges that we faced everyday. We are healthier and happier as a result of seeing Heather on a regular basis. There are no quick fixes and it does take time, but the time is very well spent. I use to catch every cold and flu that was going around, but today I am rarely sick. The same would apply to my family. Our relationships are stronger, and our lives are the healthiest we have ever been. If you are felling confused, unhappy, disengaged, impatient, can’t sleep at night or almost anything else that you want to make better, Heather can help. I am so grateful for you Heather, thank you for everything!
Heather has the unique gift of bringing others to an improved health level by following her methods. She has helped both my husband and me for the past 10 years or more. She has been an amazing help, seeing us through many life crisis. Heather’s advise has sent us on a road to achieving a much healthier life style.
Another wonderful ability has been the help she has given us in understanding our pets – dogs and cats.

Heather’s insight in helping our furries when they have been ill or anxious, has been an enormous help to our understanding of them and their needs.

Thank you Heather, it’s been an amazing journey.

Our family has been blessed to have had Heather Drummond as our Naturopathic Practitioner for the past three years. Heather’s approach is to treat the whole person and not just deal with individual physical, internal or mental issues one may have.


Initially, our youngest daughter took her twin daughters to Heather for treatment of severe peanut allergies and other ailments. Her keen attention to their environmental issues went a long way towards resolving many of their ailments. Our daughter talked so positively about the help she received from Heather that our oldest daughter, who was a single Mom with a growing young daughter, went to see her to deal with work stress and life balance matters. Heather was able to help her out so successfully that she continues to regularly interact with Heather by Skype as issues arise.


My wife was the next one to see Heather on health matters she needed addressed that she could not seem to get dealt with by her regular family Doctor. Over a number of visits Heather helped her to the point where there was a very marked improvement to her physical wellbeing. Initially, I was sceptical as to the processes that Heather used to diagnose my wife’s ailments but as I saw the marked improvement in her health, I agreed to sit down with her and be tested as to my physical and mental wellbeing. I could not believe how accurate she was in her assessment of how certain mental issues from forty years ago were draining my energy today. After about three sessions with Heather I was able to deal with my issue and turf it into the dump heap. My wellbeing immediately improved and continues today to be very positive and fulfilling. 


We are grateful for the help and kindnesses that Heather has bestowed on each of us. We are very pleased to recommend Heather Drummond to treat in a natural way one’s issues that affect one’s total wellbeing.

The MacInnis Family


Join me

Did you know that all online classes are loaded into my store?

Calming the ADHD Like Brain

Supporting What Feels like an Emotional or Physical Concussion Holistically

Holistic Ways to Support Gut Health

Rebooting Your Nervous System

Empath's Energetic Tool Kit

More are coming. Watch out for:

Holistic Help for Perimenopause and Menopause

Getting Ahead of the Aging Curve

Self Acupressure and Reflexology Tips

Do you have topics you would like covered? Please send me your ideas through the contact page or send a voicemail.

Reduce Stress and Be Your Best 

Contact me

Access Consciousness

Access Bars Classes

"In Person"

1 day class from 10 - 6pm is scheduled with small groups of 2 or more people.

***NEXT Class Sept 29th in Moncton***

Course includes instruction and opportunity for practical which includes 2 sessions per person of giving and receiving the Bars while I'm with you. Manuals, head charts and certificates are also provided.

Kids 15 years old or younger are FREE.

First class is $480 and every class after that if you choose to do it again is half price.

One course allows you to do Access Bars on others.

For more information on Access Consciousness Access Bars please go to this website:

Or watch this video:

If you are two or more we can schedule a training at your convenience if you wish to host me.

Contact me for scheduling

Purchase now

Learn to Muscle Test and how to make your Muscle Testing work for you?

Gather your people for 1 hour Zoom session

Muscle Testing is a way to get yes and no answers from your body. Learn from my mistakes and improve your success. Great for checking what foods work for you. 

What are people saying ...

"Heather was easy to follow and gave me examples to try that were right in my own kitchen. " - BD

"Being able to make it work with Heather during the course gave me a lot more confidence to do it on my own." - FT

Contact me to book an Online Zen Zone Session

Book Your Zen Zone Session for Corporations and Schools

This Program is a great 1 hour session that is packed full of "down to earth" doable tools and tips for people working in the busy corporate world or the school system.

What are people saying...

"Heather gave us an hour packed with easy and effective ideas that we can implement without a ton of work or energy. Being able to shift even a few small things will make a difference." - RBC

"Heather was able to make us laugh and give us information that we knew we could add to our daily routine and give ourselves more energy and also keep our stress levels down throughout the day." - Sunnybrae School

Contact Us

Heather would love to hear from you! Call 506-850-4846 or send a message using the form below, and she will get back to you as soon as she can.

Yes, I would like to receive my FREE copy of 'Reduce Stress and Be Your Best '

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