Healing Vitality is a company based in Moncton, Canada that helps people and animals through naturopathic practices.
Naturopathy is a holistic way of looking at things as a whole without focusing separately on particular pieces of a given system.
By doing that we are able to see patterns and how different systems influence each other. We are also able to take into account the environment and circumstances which led up to the outcome.
Because of that, in naturopathy, we don’t always treat the thing that the client came to us for. It may turn out that the problem the patient is experiencing is just a symptom of an underlying issue that actually needs attention.
There are different laws that apply to this. Some of them are Chinese medicine laws, some of them are laws of nature, and some of them are spiritual laws.
No matter the problem, our health is an onion and it is made up of physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual and mental aspects and all these aspects work together and can build our health or take it down.
Naturopathy for animals works more or less in the same way as naturopathy for people.
No matter who the patient is - a person or an animal - at Healing Vitality we like to support and optimize as well as try to prevent the health issues of all our clients.
Naturopathy is not for emergency care. It is for
rebuilding, restoring and detoxifying the body and processes sometimes require time to see results.
Naturopathy is a holistic approach which can be different from traditional approaches. Working with the idea that we are all beings capable of emotions and who are part of an energy system that can be impacted by events and the environment.
It does not replace medical treatment of any sort and is not a diagnostic practice but sometimes can work with medical interventions supporting the outcomes depending on the circumstances. An open mind and a willing heart are two characteristics of an ideal client.
We do our best to support all animals and owners by working together with combined knowledge and intuition. The more we can collaborate the better the outcomes can be.
Understanding that an owner's awareness of their animals is a key to the puzzle is a big part of working together. I believe through collaboration we can see the best results.
I'm constantly learning but I don't profess to have all the answers. I work with my knowledge base, the owner's knowledge base and what resonates with the animals.
A list of things we can help with by reducing inflammation and stress in the body and the minds’ of animals. We believe that disease is mainly caused by an accumulation of inflammation in the body.
Stress creates inflammation whether it is physical or mental. Pain creates stress, change creates stress. Owners stress creates stress. Creating awareness and also giving supportive measures to reduce stress and inflammation is the goal to support the health of the animals.
By looking into the system as a whole we will check the following:
Heather Drummond is certified in Holistic Nutrition and has training in Acupuncture, Reflexology, Orthomolecular Medicine, Bach Flower Essences and Various Energy Medicine techniques.
She has been in the industry from 2005 helping countless people and animals producing many happy clients over the years.
Not every naturopath works in the same way. There are people who specialize in something they are passionate about like cancer, menopause, hormonal health, mental health, digestive health etc.
Heather has developed a passion for Polarity Therapy and Chronic Reversed Polarity and she has become a student of it and its impact on people and animals.
It has become a passion of hers to learn about it, to try different things and as a result, she has seen how it can be an underlying issue and create a stall in the healing process in all of those different aspects of our life and create a perpetual feeling of ‘stuck’.
Heather is not a doctor and all my knowledge, skills and experience comes from practicing, learning about through working with clients and seeing the results since 2005.
For the diagnosis and testing Heather uses Bio Meridian machine for something called ‘Biomeridian testing’ - a noninvasive method used to assess the energy meridians (channels) of the body that can tell us the functional status of meridians and their related organs, systems, or functions, by determining if they are stressed, balanced, or weakened, and by how much.
The Bio Meridian machine measures frequency, vibration and energy and it uses acupuncture meridians and voll points as a baseline for connecting with the being being tested.
People’s and animals’ bodies are like a database that holds the past and knows all possibilities. We can go back in time and at a cellular level we remember what that felt like.
We can apply environments, context and substances to the body’s vibration and it will respond positively or negatively. I also use aspects of applied kinesiology and knowledge of foods, supplements, environments, energy and emotional impacts to help determine what is affecting the being and what can impact the being.
Each body system and aspect provides a score on a numeric scale and that scale either is optimum/healthy or in a range of stressed or chronic.
It is fascinating to track results and changes during the appointments and over time. It is also wonderful to work with the clients intuition and knowledge base as well to get to the best outcome together.
Get in touch if you have any questions, to learn more about how we work or to book an appointment.
Make sure you read our
Disclaimer of Liability and Affiliations
Heather Drummond is not a Naturopathic Doctor, Medical Doctor, Certified Counsellor or other medical professional. Her assessments and the content of this website are not a replacements for medical advice. Nothing stated in her assessments, courses or on this website should be taken as a reason to avoid appropriate medical or psychological treatment. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Heather is not curing or diagnosing conditions during her assessments or courses and by participating in any service you are doing so of your free will with the understanding that results varying with each person. At all times, the client is responsible for their outcomes and should follow their own intuition and free will. The content on this website is strictly the opinion of Heather Drummond and is for informational and educational purposes only. Heather Drummond does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. *****As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases*****