Get to know Cheryl:
Dr. Cheryl Hache Macdonald is a Chiropractor in Moncton NB. She has been practicing for 9 years, always looking to expand her knowledge in the area of health. She grew up for nearly 12 years in Moncton, NB, moved to North Carolina until soon after University, landed in Boston as a young adult, and then moved across the country to Portland, Oregon for Chiropractic school. Making her way back to Moncton was an easy decision, and has led to many interesting discoveries and happenings. Through many adventures and bumps along the road of life, when the Universe started to show her the energetic world, it was not a new concept, but it was still foreign.
Now, as a mother of two young children, Dr. Cheryl appreciates the current scientific evidence, and has made more room for exploring the scientific process. She is enjoying the process of asking questions in the search for an ever expanding understanding of our world. Through this exploration, the world has become a much more magical place. A place full of possibility, instead of limitations.
Disclaimer of Liability and Affiliations
Heather Drummond is not a Naturopathic Doctor, Medical Doctor, Certified Counsellor or other medical professional. Her assessments and the content of this website are not a replacements for medical advice. Nothing stated in her assessments, courses or on this website should be taken as a reason to avoid appropriate medical or psychological treatment. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Heather is not curing or diagnosing conditions during her assessments or courses and by participating in any service you are doing so of your free will with the understanding that results varying with each person. At all times, the client is responsible for their outcomes and should follow their own intuition and free will. The content on this website is strictly the opinion of Heather Drummond and is for informational and educational purposes only. Heather Drummond does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. *****As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases*****